Our Players
We come from various musical backgrounds. You can find out more from our bios shown here.

Sharen Hafner
Music Director, Recorders, Crumhorns
• Music Director for ensembles: Musicke Antiqua and Camerata Antiqua
• Attended College-Conservatory of Music (UC), GA State College
• B.S. in Music Education and Horn, University of Toledo
• Founding member ARS Chapter, Carolina Mountains Recorder Society

Lynn Bayley
Recorders, Violas da gamba
Lynn started cello as an adult when she moved to Michigan. There she began playing the tenor recorder in the Andrews University Early Music Ensemble. When the director learned that she had studied cello, she was encouraged to begin playing the viola da gamba. She began with the bass and later added the tenor.

Bob Cannon
First instrument was Eb Albert System clarinet. Played clarinet in band and wind ensemble during high school and college. Purchased first recorder when a college student and joined Musicke Antiqua after moving to Hendersonville. Retired professor of computer science.